Hollywood, California! Just arriving from some serious midwesterny parts and our feelings of confuzzlement can hardly be hidden. Under the traffic light you can barely see the Hollywood sign on the mountain.
Los Angeles traffic. Orders of magnitude better than traffic in most European cities, but still annoying.
Better view of Hollywood, and the sign on the mountain.
Sand dunes in the Arizona desert. Never-ending, perfectly straight roads, that go on and on for hours, blazing summer sun at around 125-130 degrees Fahrenheit, no tree anywhere in sight, just cactii and rattlesnakes, with the occasional abandoned car wreck. We got some gallon jugs of ice cold water, that were ready to brew tea in after 5 minutes in the car. We were regularly emptying these over our heads while driving, over our clothes and over the car seats. It merely took 10 minutes for it to be completely dry again! Did I mention that the vehicle had no A/C?
Pissing on the USA/Mexico borders, somewhere in California. That's by far the best use for borders that I've seen in a while now.