Monday, June 30, 2014

Internet Address Change

In the vast majority of books about internet marketing one can learn that having a .org address can greatly increase your visibility and page views. While this may be true, Jesus does not give a flying Donald Duck and will no longer spend is hard earned just because some internet addicts are too lazy to type in a few more words. The domain will not be renewed and soon you will not be able to reach this blog through that. Instead we will fall back to good old, which is so free it is not even funny.

"OMG, 10 page views less!!!!!"

Thursday, March 27, 2014

R.I.P. Minimal Bastard

Our friend Primoz (Minimal Bastard) from Slowenia passed away last sunday. We hope that where ever he is, is better than where he was. We also hope they let him bring a moped to perform with (he once toured Yugoslawia on a moped which he also used as his sole instrument on stage).