Jesus is Angry and has been so for a while now...
Involved in a few projects here and there, rumored to have performed with underground outfits such as I Knew Them, Choking Bishops, Zone of Alienation, and the Females of Doubtful Reputation, among others, he has been forced underground by secret agents, who have been trying to exterminate him and his sound sources.
It is all part of a conspiracy involving people in positions of great power, homeless bums and prostitutes in degenerate establishments in several border towns.
Jesus is still Angry, okay, has released several albums and has performed in quite a few places around the world, on some occasions with other people, famous and not. As part of his ongoing mission to dodge all them secret agents and create weapon-grade, biohazardous and radioactive synthesizers, he has created the "52 Studios", "The Dungeon" and "The Sheffield Dungeon", in Thessaloniki, Greece, London, UK and Sheffield, UK respectively. A brief period of infiltrating highly-regarded academic establishments followed, resulting in what was known as "Studio 2" and the "AV Suite" in the University of Sheffield Sound Studios. This did not last long, as the pointlessness of all kinds of institutions (and especially institutionalized education) and hierarchies became increasingly apparent.
Jesus is Angry and is back with a vengeance in the usual DIY fashion of touring across continents overland and releasing albums within a network of like-minded people who run their own record labels.
Performances involve massive home-made electronic devices, visuals, light-shows, performance art, theater, shamanic rituals, and anything that might come up in the process. Jesus is Angry and has performed in anything ranging from squats, communes and living-rooms to Victorian symphonic concert halls.
More recently, Jesus is Angry has recruited some more angry weirdos, such as Foufoutos of the Females of Doubtful Reputation on bass and William T. Hapalys on twin sax. Jesus now tours with little to no warning and then goes back into hiding.