Everything is bigger in Texas.. Driving on a highway somewhere in Texas and realizing how everything is bigger there, with the most noticeable size difference being the speed limits!
Arizona... What a view!! One thing that's so absolutely mindblowing when touring the USA, is the vast, uninterrupted natural scenery. I have never seen anything like it anywhere else in this world.
Country store somewhere in the Mojave desert in California. They play both kinds of music around here: Country and western! Something about these parts makes us want to tour with a pickup truck next time... Why not incorporate some experimentalised Hank Williams songs in our set too?
Texas Power! Some kind of power company, somewhere in Texas, with Mexico starting right below it.
With almost constant toll-free scenic routes all the way from one coast to the other and from one borderline to the other, extremely cheap fuel prices, and a vibrant music scene, the USA has been and will always be the most welcoming place for musicians to tour. Dark dictatorial regimes that are still forgotten in the middle ages, with fuel prices more expensive than the vehicle itself, and 2493 different currencies, with war-criminal cops waiting for you at every corner, can be a bit hard to cope with as a touring band.