Yet another vehicle used for touring a while ago.. Modified with the FWRL Touring Package, to reduce fuel consumption while increasing performance and reliability, to endure the hardships of touring. You can also see a CB antenna on the roof. CB radios are an essential tool for all self-respecting drivers, especially ones who drive long distances regularly. It is decentralized, peer-to-peer communication, with no service provider. It will work even during power-grid failures and cannot be easily censored or disrupted. Best of all, it is a fairly localized way of communicating road conditions, accidents, emergencies, severe weather conditions, cop positions, ask for directions and request assistance from fellow drivers. They are fairly cheap to get and very easy to use. Best of all, apart from the original purchase, it is free to use after that.
The USA/Mexico border from the Arizona side! It is a sad sight to see all them fences and walls and guards. Contrary to popular propaganda, the ideals on which the USA was built on, supported freedom, including freedom of movement. Having such fences, and such international intevention politics, should be considered a highly unamerican activity. Perhaps the bureau of unamerican activities should deal with itself and the ruling class first, before bothering with the general public.
Jesus reflecting all shades of tour exhaustion..
A very straight highway in Arizona, along the Mexico borderline. A sign directing you to the next exit for Mexico. Do you see how the road is more black on the right of the white line, than in front of the car? The faded color is the road being worn out from millions of vehicles driving over it, whereas the emergency shoulder is not used often, so is not worn out.
Thomas, the hottest drummer in the midwest, toured with Jesus is Angry on the 2010 USA tour. Killer music and fun times!